Report Cards and Conferences

   First Graders do not receive grades the first six weeks.  This is an adjustment period for them. I will request a conference during the 1st six weeks so we can discuss your child’s strengths and weaknesses.

    Report cards go home at the end of every six weeks. We will conference again at the end of the year to review your child’s overall progress.

    A progress note is sent home at 3 weeks for students that have an 85 or below in a subject area. 

Corrected Work-School Wide Policy

Any graded work (other than TESTS/quizes) below 70 can be corrected to a grade of 70, which will be then averaged with the original grade for a final grade.

65 + 70= 135

135 / 2= 68 (final grade)

To have a grade change, the corrected paper must be COMPLETELY corrected!


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