Making good choices- makes good citizens!

We will have 6 simple class rules to follow:

  • Listen when someone is talking.
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
  • Follow directions quickly and quietly.
  • Raise your hand to speak.
  • Be safe and honest.
  • Respect yourself, others, and your school.

Step 1:

Children who do not follow a rule will be reminded of the rule and loose one sticker.

Step 2:

If the behavior continues, they will lose their second sticker and a privilege at the teacher’s discretion. Their daily behavior chart will be marked according to the rule they need to be working on and initialed by a parent or guardian and returned the next day.

  • Their behavior log/record will determine their citizenship grade accordingly.

Step 3:

  • If undesirable behaviors continue, I will request a parent conference and implement an individual behavior plan.

  • Extreme or unsafe behaviors will require a visit with Mrs. Doty.

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