First Graders bring a homework baggy home EVERY night. Your child will be bringing home a “Take Home Reader” and an "AR" book each night. Please read these books with them and as they are able, let them read the book TO you. To verify the book was read at home and give your child credit, an adult will need to fill out and sign the  Reading Log in your student's Homework Bag.

We encourage you to review "lightning words" and math "flash facts" nightly as your child needs.

Monthly Homework Menu, beginning in September will be sent home on the first school day of the month. Students are required to fill in 15 squares a month and it will be due on the final school day of the month.

Check homework baggy for any UNFINISHED class work that may need to be completed at home. Please see section: Unfinished Policy for applicable grading scale. 

                                PIZZA PARTY!

We have a 20 book reading goal each month. We then have a monthly pizza party for those who read 20 books, please help your child to achieve each month’s goal!


                                   AR BOOKS

 AND....we will begin our Accelerated Reading Program after Labor Day.  A.R. books go home daily to be read at home so we can test the next day.

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