Medication at School

MAR - Medication Consent Form (daily medication form with consent)

PRN - Medication Consent Form (as needed medication form with consent)


Prescription Medication
Prescription medication will be administered to a student if: 

• Medication is provided by the parent/guardian and a signed consent is received for administration by Jim Ned CISD personnel 
• Medication is in a prescription bottle from a pharmacy, with a legible label which includes: 
    A.  student’s name
    B.  prescribing physician
    C.  date filled
    D.  expiration date 
    E.  instructions for administration, including dosage and route. 
***Ask pharmacist for a second prescription label/bottle to leave at school*** 
• A physician’s signature will be required for all medications that are to be administered for more than 10 days. 

Over the Counter Medication
Over the Counter medication will be administered to a student if:
  • Medication is provided by the parent/guardian in the original manufacturer’s packaging. 


  • Medication is current and not expired

  • Labeling guidelines indicate appropriate use for child’s age and condition

  • Student’s name is written on bottle/box.

  • Parent/guardian must complete a consent for medication administration by Jim Ned personnel

  • Medication will NOT be given for more than 5 consecutive school days. After that a note from the student’s healthcare provider will be required for continued administration at school.

Other Important Information
All medication should be scheduled to be given at home if at all possible. 

Example: Medication that is 3 times a day or less (every 8 hours) should be given at home: before school, after school, and bedtime. 

• Sample medications must be accompanied by a note from the doctor 
• All medications will be stored in a locked cabinet with the exception of those students with severe allergic reactions and asthma who have special permission from the school and their physician (See school nurse for specific information).
• It is the responsibility of the parent to take unused medication home. Any unused medication will be destroyed at the end of the school year. New requests for medication administration are required each school year. 
• Parents/guardians are responsible for providing medications. Jim Ned CISD DOES NOT provide any medication, except as indicated for first aid, and oral Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) for allergic reactions.

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