Teacher: Jason Hutt                                                                                               



Course Description: This is an elective course offered to all grade levels. This course exercises and expands on various methods of Forensics. Students are expected to prepare outlines, rehearse presentation skills, and perform a variety of platform speeches. Oratory skills will be developed through a variety of techniques and styles. Students will specifically engage in impromptu, persuasive, informative, demonstrative, and interpretive types of speeches throughout the course of the year. They will engage in debates both as individuals and with teammates. Technology such as PowerPoint, videotaping, and online research will assist in the process of constructing and presenting speeches.


  1. Course Outcomes: Students will focus on a variety of essential skills and concepts to successfully complete formal outlines, platform speeches, and debate rounds.
  2. Core Skills and Concepts:

    1. Students will demonstrate appropriate outline format. This includes the use of MLA format (typed, double spaces, pagination, works cited page)
    2. Produce legible work that shows accurate spelling and correct use of punctuation and capitalization
    3. Demonstrate organization within a speech, presentation or debate round (introduction, main points with examples, conclusion, etc.)
    4. Show control of language, style, vocabulary, and originality
    5. Develop a strong voice and presence while speaking
    6. Identify and use persuasive techniques of rhetoric
    7. Use methods of presentation that involve the audience (establish credibility, maintain interest, and vary tone, eye contact, gestures, and blocking).
    8. Progress through stages of brainstorming, outlining, preparing, practicing, and performing a variety of original speaking topics
    9. Use props, visual aids, graphs, and electronic media to enhance the appeal and accuracy of presentations
    10. Demonstrate skills through one public speaking event outside of class (i.e. an event at a speech tournament, church event, local speech competition, school held speech, assembly, etc.)
    11. Course Work (Essential Skills Assessments):


    • Informative Speech



    • Impromptu Speeches



    • Parliamentary Debate (Team)



    • Speech to Demonstrate



    • Socratic Seminar



    • Persuasive Speech



    • Individual Debate (Congress)



    • Speech to Entertain



    • Interpretive Speech



    • Public Speaking ( at least one out-of-class event is mandatory for those students wanting to earn an A in the course for both semesters. See details below)


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