Chris Holson   Assistant Principal 

I am excited to be back on the campus of Jim Ned High School. This is my 27th year to work for Jim Ned CISD. I have had the privilege to work on 3 of our 4 campuses. I taught science and coached at the high school for 19 years and was the principal at Lawn Elementary for 5 years. I am a 1978 graduate of Jim Ned High School and my sons Cam and Hayden are graduates as well. If you ever need to contact me please do not hesitate to drop me an email or give me a call. 

District Core Values

Integrity, Performance, Stability, Forward-thinking, Transparency, Partnership


District Vision

Jim Ned CISD endeavors to be a superior educational institution marked by an unwavering commitment to our core values and their capacity to forge exceptional students, vibrant educators, innovative stewardship of finances and facilities, and worthwhile community and commercial partnerships.


The district’s dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruption, and minimize safety hazards. Students and parents may determine a student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the following:


  • Length of clothing shall preclude indecent exposure when the student is sitting, standing, or performing any normal school activity.  Garments worn must be hemmed and must be within 3¼ inches (credit card length) from the top of the knee cap.  Biker shorts, wind shorts, or frayed clothing are not allowed.  Pants must be worn in an appropriate manner (maintained at the waistline). 

  • No form-fitting apparel, apart from denim jeans with pockets. Yoga pants, tights, leggings, and jeggings are not permitted, unless they are accompanied by an approved top that is within 3¼ inches from the top of the knee cap.

  • See-through blouses, bare midriffs, or low-cut attire are not permitted and there will be no visible cleavage.

  • Jeans will not have any holes and must be worn in an appropriate manner (maintained at the waistline). 

  • Footwear shall be a part of the regular attire.  House shoes are not allowed.

  • Strapless or spaghetti strap garments, tank tops, racer-back, muscle shirts, mesh tops or altered dresses or pants with slits, and any other garments revealing the midriff is not permitted. Shoulders on blouses must be 2 inches wide.

  • Girl’s hair shall be styled and worn so that the eyes are visible.  Excessive or distracting make-up or hair color is not permitted.  Hair color must be of naturally occurring color in the human genome.  Other hair colors such as purple, green, etc. are distracting and a violation of the dress code.

  • Makeup and jewelry shall be in good taste and not disruptive.  They shall not constitute a safety hazard or distraction to others.  Visible body-piercing adornments are allowed on the ears only.  Ear gauging is not permitted. Non-approved adornments must be removed (not covered) and spacers are prohibited.

  • Explicit or insinuative apparel that is distracting, vulgar, or that advertises alcoholic beverages, tobacco, drugs, sex, or violence is prohibited.

  • Wearing hats/caps in any school building during school hours is prohibited.

  • Visible tattoos are unacceptable at school and all school-sponsored events.


  • Length of clothing shall preclude indecent exposure when the student is sitting, standing, or performing any normal school activity. Garments worn must be hemmed and must be within 3 ¼ inches (credit card length) from the top of the knee cap.  Biker shorts, wind short, or frayed
  • clothing are not allowed. Pants must be worn in an appropriate manner (maintained at the waistline). 

  • Jeans will not have any holes and must be worn in an appropriate manner (maintained at the waistline).

  • Tank tops, muscle shirts, or mesh shirts are not to be worn.
  • Neck opening on any type shirt may not exceed the 1st button below the collar button of a dress shirt.

  • Earring(s) and/or visible body-piercing adornments are prohibited at school or school sponsored activities. Adornments must be removed (not covered) and spacers are prohibited.

  • The hair shall be neat clean, well-groomed and shall not exceed the base of the collar on a regular dress shirt, or may not extend below the baseof the ear (hair and or side burns), not below the eye brows in front. Hair shall not be tucked, tied, braided or cut in a Mohawk.  Hair style shall not be distracting by style and/or color.  Hair color must be of naturally occurring color in the human genome. Other hair color such as purple, green, etc. are distracting and a violation of the dress code.

  • Beards and mustaches (facial hair) are not permitted, and regular shaving is required.

  • Explicit or insinuative apparel that is distracting, vulgar, or that advertises alcoholic beverages, tobacco, drugs, sex, or violence is prohibited.
  • Footwear shall be a part of regular attire.  House shoes are not allowed.

  • Wearing hats/caps in any school building during school hours is prohibited.

  • Visible tattoos are unacceptable at school and all school-sponsored events.

  • Make-up and nail polish are prohibited.

 If the principal determines that a student’s grooming or clothing violates the school’s dress code, the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school. If not corrected, the student may be assigned to in-school suspension for the remainder of the day, until the problem is corrected, or until a parent or designee brings an acceptable change of clothing to the school. Repeated offenses may result in more serious disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

Campus Discipline Plan

Step 1:   1 swat or 2 days detention  (7:55 - 8:10AM)

Step 2:   2 swats or 3 days detention (7:55 - 8:10AM)

Step 3:   3 swats or 4 days detention (7:55 - 8:10AM)

Step 4:   6 swats (3 per day for 2 days) or 2 days of ISS

Step 5:   9 swats (3 per day for 3 days) or 3 days of ISS

Step 6:   5 days of ISS

Step 7:   10 days of ISS

Step 8:   Suspension

Step 9:   Expulsion

Step 10: Discipline Alternative Educational Placement

Campus Discipline Regarding Tardies

1.) 3 unexcused tardies in the same class within a six-week grading period will result in 1 day of  ISS and loss of final exam exemption in that class.

2.) Additional days of ISS or swats will be assigned as required for 4+ unexcused tardies.

This discipline plan is a general guideline followed by the faculty and staff.  It should be understood that each incident of misbehavior will be judged based on severity and number of occurrences.  The principal or assistant principal will use his/her professional judgment and discretion

 to determine what type of discipline is necessary to maintain a safe and orderly environment for all students to succeed. It should also be noted that, if deemed necessary by the principal, assistant principal,or teacher, a student may advance to a latter step in the discipline plan without observing earlier steps. Additional forms of discipline, listed in the JNHS Student Code of Conduct, may also be employed.


Possession and Use of Personal Telecommunications Devices, Including Mobile Telephones

For safety purposes, the district permits students to possess personal mobile telephones; however, these devices must remain turned off during the instructional day, including during all testing, unless they are being used for approved instructional purposes. A student must have approval to possess other telecommunications devices such as netbooks, laptops, tablets, or other portable computers.

The use of mobile telephones or any device capable of capturing images is strictly prohibited in locker rooms or restroom areas while at school or at a school-related or school-sponsored event

            If a student uses a telecommunications device without authorization during the school day, the device will be confiscated.  Upon the first offense, the student may retrieve the confiscated telecommunications device from the principal’s office for a fee of $10. Subsequent offenses will require that the confiscated telecommunications device be retrieved by a parent at the principal’s office for a fee of $10.

Confiscated telecommunications devices that are not retrieved by the student or the student’s parents will be disposed of after the notice required by law.

            In limited circumstances and in accordance with law, a student’s personal telecommunications device may be searched by authorized personnel.

            Any disciplinary action will be in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. The district is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen telecommunications devices.

Jim Ned Prohibited Substances Policy

This policy is in place to discipline students who, on campus or in attendance at a school sponsored or related activity, use, possess, sell, or distribute prohibited substances or devices that do not fall under other mandatory Texas Education Code directives.

These substances or devices include, but are not limited to, tobacco, nicotine, vapes, juuls, e-cigarettes or any device that can deliver a prohibited substance. 

1st Offense – 3 days of ISS

2nd Offense – 5 days of ISS

3rd Offense – 10 days of DAEP

4th Offense – DAEP for remainder of semester or 20 days (whichever is greater)

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