Pre-K Class Schedule 2019-2020
   Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday
 7:50  Go to Classroom  Go to Classroom Go to Classroom   Go to Classroom Go to Classroom 
 8:00-8:30  P.E. then bathroom Break   P.E. then bathroom Break  P.E. then bathroom Break    P.E. then bathroom Break  P.E. then bathroom Break 
 8:35  Greeting Circle  Greeting Circle Greeting Circle   Greeting Circle Greeting Circle 
 8:55  move and learn  move and learn move and learn   move and learn  move and learn
 9:00  Centers  Centers Centers   Centers Centers 
 9:40  Read Aloud  Read Aloud Read Aloud   Read Aloud Read Aloud 
 9:55  Calendar  Calendar Calendar   Calendar Calendar 
 10:00  Bathroom in Hall then Recess
10:40   Lunch  Lunch Lunch   Lunch Lunch 
 11:15 Computers

 Craft/Literacy station/journal

 Computers  Pack up  Video
 11:25  Read aloud
 11:30  Music
 11:40  Pack up  Pack up Pack up   Pack up
 11:50   Read aloud  Read aloud Read aloud   Read aloud
 12:00  Dismiss  Dismiss Dismiss   Dismiss Dismiss 

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