High School Band Syllabus                                                         Josh Bailey - Band Director

Materials: All students are required to have in their possession at every rehearsal:

1. Your Pencil

2. Your Book/Music Folder

3. Your Instrument

4. Accessories (Reeds, Valve Oil, Etc…)



Band Room:

1. No food, drink, candy or gum in the Band Room. (Water Only)

2. The room will be kept neat (instruments, trash, stands, music, etc…).

3. Only Band students are allowed in the room before, during and after band class.

4. No “Horse-Play” in the Band room.


Grading system:

Play Off 35%

Daily Grade 30%

Performances 35%

  • Play off assignments will be assigned each 6 weeks and students will be required to play them for a director before/after school or during class.

  • Students will receive their daily grade based upon their demonstration of daily skills and their preparedness for class. This includes having all materials every day.

  • Band classes are part of the Texas Education Agency state curriculum and are governed by the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Included in these TEKS are performance requirements. These performances include Football Games, Marching Contests, Parades, Christmas Concert, UIL Concert and Sight Reading, Spring Concert, etc. Students either receive a 100 or a 0 for performances. If a student must miss a performance due to illness, death in the family, or other school function, there will be a make-up performance made available. These are the only excused absences that may be made up.

Instrument Checkout: The school will provide instruments for everyone except for saxophone. Students must return their attached Band Instrument Checkout Form in order to use a school owned instrument.

Performance Attire: There are 4 different attire for band functions. Marching band uniform, band t-shirt and jeans, band polo and jeans, and concert black as described in the band handbook.

Jan. 11-12 Friday-Saturday


Area Band Auditions

Jan. 17-19 Thur.-Saturday

Wagner Noel - Odessa

Saturday Region Band Clinic/Concert Weekend

Feb. 8-9 Friday-Saturday

Clyde PAC

Region Jazz Band Clinic/Concert Weekend

Feb. 23 Saturday

Abilene High School

Region Solo and Ensemble

March 5thor6th Tue-Wed

Ballinger High School

UIL Concert and Sight Reading Evaluation

April 2nd Tuesday

JNHS Cafetorium

Jazz Band Spaghetti Fundraiser Concert

April 13th Saturday

Majestic Theatre-Eastland

Jazz Festival

April 15th Monday

Ryan Recital Hall-McMurry

JNHS/McMurry Jazz Band Concert

May 19 Sunday

Location TBA

MS - HS Band Spring Concert MS-1:000 HS-5:00

May 31 Friday


Graduation (Required)

June 2 Sunday


State Solo and Ensemble Contest

June 3-7 Mon-Fri


Spring Trip

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