Everyday students are to act in a way that allows all students to learn and the teacher to teach at all times. Students should be respectful and kind to all others in the room at all times. Please be familiar with the dress code and dress appropriately everyday. There will be no food and drinks in the classroom other than water in a clear bottle. You should be on time everyday; You will get a break the first time, after that you serve a morning detention for being tardy. Leave cell phones turned off and/or in your locker. IF I see them they go to the office and you can get them after school. IF you appear to be out of cress code you will be sent to the office to let them decide! The Jim Ned Middle School discipline plan is in the student code of conduct for you and your student to be familiar with. You can also defer to the code of conduct for information not on this sheet.
IF you cannot do what you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it and how you are supposed to do it(especially as it relates to the dress code, tardies, and the cell phone policy...and now watches), you may be moved to a new seat and/or assigned morning detention or sent to the office.