Algebraic Reasoning

Teacher: Chelsea Sims                                                 Conference Hours: 2:52-3:35

Email:                                  Credit: One high school credit

Tutoring Hours: 7:50-8:10                                          Prerequisites: Algebra 1

Text: There is no textbook available for this course.  Work will be given in the form of worksheets and the study material will come from graphic organizer supplied from the teacher along with students’ notes.

Course Description: 

The desire to achieve educational excellence is the driving force behind the Texas essential knowledge and skills for mathematics, guided by the college and career readiness standards. By embedding statistics, probability, and finance, while focusing on fluency and solid understanding, Texas will lead the way in mathematics education and prepare all Texas students for the challenges they will face in the 21st century.

The process standards describe ways in which students are expected to engage in the content. The placement of the process standards at the beginning of the knowledge and skills listed for each grade and course is intentional. The process standards weave the other knowledge and skills together so that students may be successful problem solvers and use mathematics efficiently and effectively in daily life. The process standards are integrated at every grade level and course. When possible, students will apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace. Students will use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution. Students will select appropriate tools such as real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology and techniques such as mental math, estimation, and number sense to solve problems. Students will effectively communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations such as symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language. Students will use mathematical relationships to generate solutions and make connections and predictions. Students will analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas. Students will display, explain, or justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral communication.

In Algebraic Reasoning, students will build on the knowledge and skills for mathematics in Kindergarten-Grade 8 and Algebra I, continue with the development of mathematical reasoning related to algebraic understandings and processes, and deepen a foundation for studies in subsequent mathematics courses. Students will broaden their knowledge of functions and relationships, including linear, quadratic, square root, rational, cubic, cube root, exponential, absolute value, and logarithmic functions. Students will study these functions through analysis and application that includes explorations of patterns and structure, number and algebraic methods, and modeling from data using tools that build to workforce and college readiness such as probes, measurement tools, and software tools, including spreadsheets.

Major Instructional Goals

Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:

(1)  Mathematical process standards. The student uses mathematical processes to acquire and demonstrate mathematical understanding.

 (2)  Patterns and structure. The student applies mathematical processes to connect finite differences or common ratios to attributes of functions.

 (4)  Number and algebraic methods. The student applies mathematical processes to simplify and perform operations on functions represented in a variety of ways, including real-world situations.

 (5)  Number and algebraic methods. The student applies mathematical processes to represent, simplify, and perform operations on matrices and to solve systems of equations using matrices.

(6)  Number and algebraic methods. The student applies mathematical processes to estimate and determine solutions to equations resulting from functions and real-world applications with fluency.

 (7)  Modeling from data. The student applies mathematical processes to analyze and model data based on real-world situations with corresponding functions.

Grading Policy:

Grade calculation will be determined by the following weighting convention:




Bell Ringers………………………..….10%

Semester exams will compose 1/7th of each semester average.

Attendance Policy:

In the case of excused absences, the student will receive two days for each day absent to complete any missed work. In the case of unexcused absences, the assignment/acceptance of make-up work will be at the teacher’s discretion.

Late Work Policy:

Late work will be accepted up to the chapter test with a deduction of 30 points.

Test/Quiz Retake Policy

Students will have the opportunity to retake a test and quiz. The test and or quiz are a different version of the test or quiz originally given. The retake will be shorter, so it can be completed in morning tutorials. As it is shorter, the questions will be weighted heavier than those of the original test or quiz. All retake must be taken in morning tutorials.


  • Pencils
  • A spiral (used for homework)
  • Composition Notebook (used for notes)
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Markers, colored pens, or colored pencils are optional for note taking.
  • It is not mandatory, but suggested that you have your own TI graphing calculator. I have a class set thatCANNOT leave my room. 

Academic integrity

Any student caught cheating will receive a grade of zero on the assignment, without opportunity to resubmit. Additional administrative disciplinary action may occur, per school policy.

Student Conduct:

Refer to

Student technology Use in Classroom:

The students will not e-mail, text, use social media, or otherwise use a digital/cellular device unless requested/authorized to do so by the teacher.

Changes to the syllabus:

The course schedule and procedures in this syllabus are subject to change if deemed appropriate by the instructor.

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