Mrs. Chandler

Carmen Chandler

8th Grade Language Arts

Welcome to my class!

I am so excited to be a teacher at Jim Ned Middle School!  A bit about me, I am a Tennessee native and my family and I moved here three years ago. I have two children: Ashlyn and Aiden. My husband's name is Scott and he works for the City of Abilene. I love to spend time outdoors gardening, tending to my chickens, or playing with my dogs. Most of our vacations are on the beach or hiking a national park. I am an avid fan of classic literature and I love to learn! Some of my favorite books are The Phantom Tollbooth, The Hobbit, and Where the Red Fern GrowsI look forward to learning and growing with my students this year.

In this class, we will learn about the different genres of literature and how to identify them. Also, we will discuss themes, purpose, plots, and many other aspects of stories. Furthermore, students will become proficient in grammar and writing as we practice those skills each week. Students will enjoy being apart of book clubs as well and will have the opportunity to share their thoughts about books we will read. 

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