8th grade US History---Mrs. Hill
1. 3-ring binder 2. pen/pencil 3. copy paper 4. Box of Kleenex 5. Spiral notebook
Minor grades count 40%. Major grades count 50%. Binder/Spiral counts 10%. Students are required to keep all notes, graded work, etc. in the ringed binder. Notes will be taken DAILY and kept in their spiral (in their binder). Please use Parent Portal to keep track of grade average. If a student needs help on homework, tutoring is available before school from 7:55 to 8:15. **Late work will NOT be accepted**. One minor grade will be dropped at the end of the grading period. A student who is absent will have one day for each day of absence to turn in work. Daily work will be posted in our Google Classroom. BE RESPONSIBLE
Code of Conduct
To create an environment where everyone can learn, positive classroom behavior is essential.
1. Show respect to self, others, and the classroom.
2. Be prepared and give your best effort.
3. Do nothing to keep the teacher from teaching and anyone, including yourself, from learning.
Lunch detentions will be utilized for Tardies, Class Disruptions, etc. After the 3rd infraction a referral will be sent to the office.
- Conference with student
- Email parent/guardian
- Lunch detention
- Referral to office
Cell phones, watches & ear buds (not in the door pocket) will be taken to the office. Dress code violations will be sent to the office.
No Food or Drink in the classroom (water only)
Go Pass--You will have 1 pass per week for restroom, locker, drink, etc. Use it wisely.
My Contact Information
I look forward to getting to know each of my students this year. Parents may contact me anytime with questions or concerns. I can be reached in the following ways:
· Email: lhill@jimned.esc14.net
· Phone: 554-7870 ext. 316
· Conference Period: 2nd 9:03--9:52 (Please schedule an appointment)
Your student has signed proof of acknowledgement in the classroom. All District, school, and class rules will be enforced. Thank you.