Senior's Month to Month Check List

Write colleges for catalogs, applications and information about financial aid if you have not done so. Register for the SAT and/or ACT. Listen to announcements from the counselor's office and check bulletin boards. Visit college campuses. Keep your grades up!

Watch application deadlines for college admissions. Take the SAT/ACT. Ask teachers, counselor or coaches for reference letters if required by college. Begin search for scholarships. 

Complete application if your college has a December deadline. 

Complete any scholarship applications. Take the SAT/ACT. Assemble records needed to complete the financial aid form.

Register for the THEA, if necessary. Complete and mail your financial aid form. Finish any applications for colleges or scholarships. Continue to be conscious of maintaining good grades.

Request your class rank. Continue to work on scholarship applications.

Consider admission and financial aid offers. Apply for local scholarships by completing applications available in the counselor's office. Check on your college's policy regarding credit by exam. Register for the THEA, if you are not exempt.

Concentrate on graduation. Register for the THEA, if needed.

Notify the college you will be attending regarding your acceptance, if required. Inform those colleges you are rejecting. Request final transcript be sent to college of your choice. Take the THEA, if needed. Think graduation!!!

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